Ways to Give

There are a number of ways alumni, parents and friends can support the Medical Alumni Foundation for the Alan and Marlene Norton College of Medicine at Upstate Medical University– endowed gifts for scholarships or professorships, annual giving for yearly support of our student programs and more. Learn more about endowing a scholarship or about our planned giving program.

Call us.

You can call our office at (315) 464-4361 and we'd be happy to take your credit card information over the phone.

Mail your donation.

You can mail your donation by check or credit card to Upstate Medical Alumni Foundation, Setnor Bldg 1510, 750 East Adams St, Syracuse, NY 13210.  Please make checks payable to the Upstate Medical Alumni Foundation. Click here to print a donation form.

Use our secure on-line form.

You can make a pledge, a one-time gift or a monthly gift to the area of your choice.

Give a gift of Appreciated Stocks.

Gifts of securities that have increased in value are tax deductible at full fair-market value if you have owned the asset for at least one year.  By transferring the securities to the Upstate Medical Alumni Foundation, rather than liquidating the asset and donating the proceeds, you avoid capital gains taxes on the asset - an extra benefit. Click here to download our Stock Transfer Instructions.

Donate your  annual IRA distribution.

Tax-free charitable rollover gifts from your IRA will qualify for your required minimum distribution.  You generally have to start taking withdrawals from your IRA or retirement plan account when you reach age 70 and a half.  Gifts must be made directly from your IRA to a qualified charity, such as the Upstate Medical Foundation.  The distribution is excluded from your income.  Although you cannot deduct the gift on your income tax return, the distribution is not reported as income so there is no adverse income tax effect.  For more information, contact Paul Norcross at (315) 464-4362 or norcrosp@upstate.edu.

The Upstate Medical Alumni Foundation could also be named as the primary or contingent beneficiary of your IRA or retirement account. Visit our Planned Giving options to learn more.


Call our office at (315) 464-4361 or email medalum@upstate.edu.

Please note that our legal name is Syracuse Health Science Center Medical Alumni Foundation and our tax ID is 16-6038703.

All gifts are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.  A copy of our latest annual report may be obtained, upon request, from the Alumni Office or from the NYS Attorney General’s Charities Bureau, 120 Broadway, NY, NY 10271. Please note our legal name is Syracuse Health Science Center Medical Alumni Foundation, Inc.