About Us

Alumni Supporting Future Alumni

Mission Statement

The Upstate Medical Alumni Foundation's mission is to promote the interests and improve the effectiveness of the Alan and Marlene Norton College of Medicine at Upstate Medical University, to foster fellowship among our alumni, to assist in the recruitment of students, and to provide opportunities to network for both students and alumni.  

About the Upstate Medical Alumni Foundation (MAF)

What began as a “band of brothers” in the early 1950’s is now a professional 501(c) 3 organization that manages over 150 funds which primarily support educational programs for students in the Norton College of Medicine.  The MAF provides medical students with over $900,000 annually in scholarship aid, and funds many other student centered initiatives such as providing textbooks, white coats, reimbursement for educational travel expenses, career mentoring and other student priorities identified by the college. The MAF also serves the needs of our Alumni by holding Reunions, regional receptions and keeping them connected through publications such as the Alumni Journal and through the MAF’s on-line Alumni directory.

Today the Upstate Medical Alumni Foundation has an ongoing plan to engage its alumni in seeking their philanthropic support. The MAF consists of 4 full-time and 2 part-time staff members who along with a 37-member board of directors manage over $35 million in assets, run annual fund campaigns; oversee a major gifts, named giving and planned giving program; and administer the student scholarships and awards program.

We remain committed to the success of our students and alumni/ae. Be sure to browse through our web site to learn how you can become involved!